USC Office of Business Opportunity

USC Office of Business Opportunity expands access and opportunities for today’s businesses. These efforts align with USC’s mission and unifying values. More here.  

Power properly understood is nothing but the ability to achieve purpose.
It is the strength required to bring about social…and economic change.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

USC Office of Business  Opportunity (OBO) builds connections between businesses, the university, and the communities surrounding our campuses. Fostering economically inclusive ecosystems aligns with our priorities of value, excellence, and sustainability.

We’re addressing how to best anchor an inclusive equity lens into our institutional DNA. Business diversity is just one aspect and our intent is to ensure our holistic approach meets this very specific opportunity.
Dr. Michèle G. Turner

As one of the largest economic engines in Southern California, supporting businesses growth is core to our values. Expanding opportunities for businesses creates vibrant, mutually beneficial relationships while strengthening USC’s product and service portfolios.

Expanding opportunities for local businesses

The USC Office of Business Opportunity works across the university with business services to support inclusive, equitable opportunities that enable diverse businesses to participate in our supply chain. We also offer resources and connections that help businesses grow, scale, create jobs and access other economic multiplier benefits available in their communities.