BDEO Diverse Supplier Interest Form
Pathways for potential suppliers

The USC Supplier Interest Form supports the university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion by extending the reach of USC business opportunities and programs. To take advantage of these opportunities and programs you must first ensure you are a certified diverse business.

Trojan Shop Local
Resources for all Trojans

Trojan Shop Local is a OBO initiative originally inspired by the USC Black Student Assembly and other students, to help give back and support USC campuses’ local and small businesses during the pandemic. It is a unique and fast-growing network of over 80 small businesses across Los Angeles!

We invite all USC Trojan students, faculty, staff, families, and friends to reconnect with — or make a first-time discovery of —the that comprise Trojan Shop Local. Your support is important and truly appreciated!

USC Supplier education and training

The USC Bridges to Business is a University Relations, Civic Engagement, and Economic Partnerships program. We encourage diverse business owners to attend the Bridges to Business 10-week business accelerator for local business owners.

Additional Resources

Join Regional Alliance Marketplace for Procurement (RAMP) to access contracting opportunities from regional partners (formerly LA BAVN).

Compete 4 LA

Compete4LA is a first-of-its-kind online database of up to 30,000 publicly accessible small business profiles across L.A. County, providing a verified, searchable, and mappable directory of local small businesses in industries necessary to support major events.


The Southern California Virtual Business Center (SC-VBC) provides programming and services to diverse business enterprises (DBEs) that focus on the capacity, capital, and relationships necessary to scale business through contracts. DBEs receive training through our accelerators and workshops led by University faculty, along with experts in contracting, procurement, lending, and business services. SC-VBC programming includes opportunity awareness, contract readiness, supplier development, and connections to procurement departments.